Functional Magic Radio

No one who’s ever met me would put “Andy Hall” & “marketing” in the same sentence. But here we are.

I truly believe the first step in the fight for a live-able climate is to win hearts and minds. And for that activists must combat the current climate narrative of sacrifice with a more accurate one of the abundance that clean electrification, regenerative agriculture, wildland protection, and climate justice will create. And IMO leveraging the talents of the world’s best pop artists is an untapped place to start. But how do we let you know about the work we are doing? How can we stay top of mind if the day comes when you can join in to help? Twitter is a shit show. Meta is dying and stealing artists’ IP. LinkedIn is the wrong audience. I think the best way is an old-school one. And yes you Gen X-ers out there like me, an email newsletter is officially old-school! So sign on up. We’ll never sell your info, share your info, or over-send. And once you hit that button it’ll be official - you’ll be a *gasp* climate activist.


Breathe in Love